One of the major European car producing corporations decided to organize an event in Prague to inform the company dealers, what the rest of the world can expect in next few years. The role of Maxin PRAGUE was to organize complex conference transport logistics. On the first day we organized arrival transportation of client’s national delegations (that meant 3000 persons within 6 hours) and in the afternoon there was a central event in a world-hockey championship hall in Prague. In cooperation with Czech state police (to coordinate the rest of town traffic), we transported and delivered approximately 4500 persons from 15 hotels across Prague to one spot within 90 minutes, with 130 buses and 120 cars. Evening then was organized for Arena – hotels continuous transport till 3am next morning. Our few hours of sleep were just fine for the next day, when all the 5000 clients were transported to the 2nd day event site and then to the airport.
The event truly was impressive by numbers. In cooperation with our German partners and 36 hours of event only, we transported over 20,000 persons, having up to 250 vehicles all around 15 best Prague hotels continuously. With perfect feedback from the client, this was the goal of not only all Maxin employees, but a huge team of hostesses we provided for the event organization, too.
“We have been together for a very short time in this case, had not enough time to get to know each other well and were given no time for warm-up. In this ultimately challenging event, every single day including all the preparations was so demanding and we could not count all the surprises we had to meet in this project of superlatives. This time we were looking for a partner in Prague that would meet all of our strict requirements and would be able to organize this event with us. In Maxin PRAGUE, we have found, what we’d been looking for.”
Prague event management team: Katka Valdaufova, Martina Kurimska, Matus Skorik